Saturday, October 4, 2014

Planning a trip to Egypt!!!

I am leaving on the Oct. 6th in the afternoon and I will spend  a week in Egypt to travel around the country.

This is my plan for this trip :)

I will spend a day or two in Cairo to visit my friend lives there, and eat some traditional Egyptian cuisines like kebobs and falafel. Then I will visit Giza which is the southeastern area in Cairo and spend a day there to visit some shops(if possible) and the grand Egyptian museum. Next day I will go to Alexandria, as usual, I will go to the museums and land marks at Alexandria like the Ruins of Caesareum and the great library of Alexandria. I heard seafood in Alexandria have a really unique taste. After spend a day or two in Alexandria, I plan to go to Suez Canal and then take a tour on Nile, and I will spend the night on the ship. Luxor has a huge amount of landmarks like the valley of kings and temples. I will spend 2-3 days at Luxor to travel around the area and eat cusines. Finally, I will return to Cairo on the last day and fly back to Seattle.

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