Monday, October 6, 2014

Egypt Day1

First Day in Cairo

Just had some Kabobs, taste great! My friend knows the owner of the shop, so we got some extra meats.

The traffic in Cairo is heavier than I expected, the city is fairly organized, but like all the big cities around the world, Cairo is way too populated in my opinion, and the population is as bad as Beijing's pollution. My friend says sometimes you can't even see things like 5 meters away.

Since we were short on time, we went to the Keops pyramid first, one of the must go place in Egypt. The pyramid's size surprised me, it's really hard to believe someone build this without any modern machines.

Then we went to the cave church at the "garbage town", at southeastern Cairo. The town is literally a garbage town, it is the base of garbage collectors, or Zabballeen. There are 7 churches in the mountain. The town's population is surprising, 85% are Christian and only 15% are Muslims, which is completely opposite from the rest of the country. The cave is astonishing, this is the most impressive thing I've seen in the city.

Then we ended our tour with a good falafel at a restaurant called Just Falafel in Cairo city.

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